Hospital discharge summary (2 page) просмотров: 2109
with dysfunction of the limbic-reticular complex. 2. During hyperventilation are observed focal disorders, and typical paroxysmal epileptiform activity has not been identified.
Electromyography of sensory nerves
Limen of inducing of the M-response: norm.
Conclusion: Violation of excitation by sensory fibers of the median nerve in both arms is not observed.
Violations of excitation by the sural nerve sensory fibers on both legs are not observed.
According to the blink reflex it may be assumed impairment of intercalary neurons of the posterior longitudinal bundle (left).
Electromyography of motor nerves
Limen of inducing of the M-response: norm.
Conclusion: axonopathy peroneal nerve (left) and axonal myelopathy of proximal tibial of the nerve (left), on the background reduced inhibitory effects on the side of the suprasegmental structures at the level of lumbar enlargement (on both sides) and at the level of cervical enlargement (left).
Ultrasonic Doppler examination of cerebral vessels
By standard method were insonied general, external, internal carotid, supratrochlear and vertebral arteries. Linear velocity of blood flow, the parameter peripheral resistance and dopplerographic spectra are changed by atherosclerotic type, without haemodynamic significant barriers to blood flow (stenosis of more than 50% is not revealed). Direction of blood flow in the arteries of the supratrochlear is antegrade, symmetric. Blood flow through the vertebral arteries is symmetrical. During examination of vertebral artery compression of the common carotid artery was not undertaken.
Ultrasonic Doppler examination of cerebral vessels
Also was carried out transcranial dopplerography (TCDG). We investigated the main artery. Flow direction is antegrade. Linear velocity of blood flow is in the lower limit of normal, parameters of peripheral resistance and the Doppler spectrum of the curve changed by atherosclerotic type.
In the treatment of patient were used the techniques developed in our clinic.
Was administrated autogenic training (1st and 2nd degree), TB (therapy breathers). Was administrated medical gymnastics in diseases of cardiovascular system. Psychotherapeutic interviews were conducted. Was administrated dosed walking. The following treatment was carried out: color therapy (color therapy device "Vizulon"), circular shower, massage, auricular acupuncture, corporeal acupuncture, sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC).
Drug therapy:
1) Arbidol 100–100–100–0 mg.
2) Atarax 12.5–0–12.5–0 mg.
3) Captopril 25–25–25–0 mg.
4) Cardiomagnyl 75 mg q.h.s.
5) Ferrum Lek 50–50–50–0 mg.
6) Maalox (suspension) 15–15–0–15 ml N5, an hour after eating and taking other medications.
7) Omeprazol 20–0–20–0 mg N14.
8) Valdoxan 25 mg q.h.s.
9) Actovegin 200 mg/5 ml (solution) 5 ml in the morning N10 + 0.9% sodium chloride 10 ml (solution) 10 ml in the morning N10 by stream infusion intravenously in the complex number 1.
11) Espa-Lipon 600 mg/24 ml in the morning N10 + sodium chloride 0.9% 250 ml (solution) 250 ml in the morning N10 by drop infusion intravenously in a complex number 5.
The patient came under care of psychoneurologist, internist, gastroenterologist. Recommended twice a year to take courses of vascular and metabolic therapy at place of residence.
Supporting therapy
1) Valdoxan 25 mg q.h.s.
2) Cardiomagnyl 75 mg q.h.s.
3) Omeprazol 20–0–20–0 mg N14.
4) Captopril 25–25–25–0 mg.
5) Ferrum Lek 50–50–50–0 mg.
The loss of the capacity for work decreased due to mental illness, fully restored. Work incapacity certificate not issued.
Загружено переводчиком: Агафонычев Владимир Александрович Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: Case record